Micro-Irrigation Service and Maintenance
Reservoir Remediation
The first step of a micro-irrigation maintenance and management program is often a remediation of your reservoir, the source of heavily bio-fouled water. Our multi-phase micro-irrigation maintenance programs control algae, biological growth, and mineral buildup as well as all sorts of other contaminants that can wreak havoc in your reservoir water and, ultimately, your irrigation system.

Ag Leaders: Meet Meras
Optimize performance and customize a micro-irrigation maintenance program specifically designed for you.
How Our Process Works
Working with a grower’s unique concerns in mind, our Agriculture Water Specialists determine the best micro-irrigation maintenance program for your system based on water quality, distribution uniformity measurements, and contaminants found in your system.
Custom Maintenance Created for You
Our micro-irrigation maintenance programs ensure our growers stay ahead of potential problems that can lead to inefficient water delivery and yield loss.
Top Crops Treated By Acre
Stone Fruit
Leafy Greens
Distribution Uniformity Testing
The most optimal way to ensure that a micro-irrigation system is running properly is to perform regular Distribution Uniformity (DU) testing. Our technicians will be able to assess potential risks, malfunctions, and the general health of your system by scheduling DU testing at the perfect intervals for your crops. In tandem with our DU program, technicians will perform additional health checks on your micro-irrigation system to validate any concerns or ongoing issues.

Why Does Irrigation Distribution Uniformity Matter?
Every farmer knows that irrigation efficiency, or getting the right amount of water to your crops, is essential to optimizing profitability and yield. But poor distribution uniformity in your irrigation system can create problems that compromise plant health and lower yield––even if your irrigation scheduling is well calculated to deliver the right amount of water to your fields at the right intervals.
What Causes Poor DU?
Many factors contribute to poor distribution uniformity for micro-irrigation, including the following:
- Clogged or poorly designed emitters
- Poor pressure regulation
- Irrigation system design, such as mainline/submain pipe sizing and lateral line size, length, placement, and material
- Pump maintenance and performance
- Filtration and backflow
- Monitoring and measuring capabilities
Optimize Performance and Efficiency of your Micro-Irrigation System
Call today to discuss your unique program with one of our Ag Water Specialists.
ContactBoost Your System's Health
We completed 620 Du’s in 2023
DU Score
Meras customers treated DU average score was over 83% in 2023
Programs Designed for Your Unique Concerns
Proper maintenance with Meras means customizing a program that does the work for you. We choose superior products and equipment to increase efficiency and longevity with a maintenance plan to match. We utilize the latest and greatest in micro-irrigation technology.
Advance Technology with Single or Dual Dosing Systems
Find expert knowledge and access to Grundfos Products, Symetrix, and Walchem amongst others.
Turnkey Installation
Build to suit. Installation includes on-site welding and electrical in order to begin irrigation water treatment as quickly as you need.
Dependable Products and Service
Your dedicated technicians will perform regular tank checks, pump calibrations, water testing, and system maintenance on a regular and rigorous schedule.
Process Evaluation and Validation
Our service technicians and Agriculture Water specialists provide periodic process and product evaluation to ensure optimal performance from the products.