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Plant Disease Management

Plant Disease Management

By keeping irrigation water clean and upholding a preventative treatment schedule with PAA foliar applications, growers can control a wide range of these sinister diseases and ensure a healthy harvest. Our full line of plant disease products offers growers multiple approaches for treating the water, the soil, and the crop itself.

Soil Treatment

Soilborne diseases can be a major limitation to crop production, particularly for vegetables. Caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses, these ailments can weaken, rot, or wilt plants––and have even been known to kill entire crop yields. Oxyleaf is used as a direct soil treatment, pre-plant application, seed and transplanting solution, and periodic soil disease treatment throughout a plant’s life.

Treatments that Transform Your Crops

Meras uses your unique needs to determine which crop protection path is best for you.

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Join the thousands of companies across California and Arizona who have turned to Meras for their comprehensive water treatment plan.

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